
Mieir King's Tai Chi in Lakewood California logo

King's T'ai Chi and Chi Kung

Prices below do not include shipping for those ordering by mail.  Contact us for shipping charges.  These are traditional herbal products that have not been evaluated by doctors or the Western medical profession/machine.  If you have a medical condition that you should see a doctor to have it evaluated. 

Dit Da Jow.  Traditionally used as  a first aid for bruises, minor injuries and sore muscles, easing pain, hand conditioning, etc.
4 ounce bottle $24.95

2 ounce $19.99

King's Dit Da Jow
Iron Sinew Jow.  Traditionally used for deep old bruises, tendon, bone, pain, advanced hand conditioning, etc. 
4 ounce bottle $24.95
2 ounce $19.99

Nerve Balm.  Traditionally used for painful skin, irritated nerves, etc. 
4 ounce bottle $24.95
2 ounce $19.99

Peaceful Muscle.  Traditionally used to massage sore, knotted muscles, and ease pain. 
4 ounce bottle $24.95
2 ounce $19.99

Printed workout shirts
workout wear

Tai Chi DVD.  2 full hours of instruction, exercises and demo of form along with break down for learning.  $35.00 King's Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Chinese Wand, Tai Chi Instructional DVD
Chinese Wand DVD.  Almost 3 hours of instruction, exercises or the Chinese Wand, Hobo Stick for Health. Many exercises are demonstrated and modifications are shown.  $35.00
The Power of Chi.  Book on the benefits of proper breathing and Chi Kung.  CURRENTLY IN REVISION FOR EBOOK FORMAT

Herbs of Power Vol. I. Book of alphabetical listing of many herbs and the many ways in which they have been traditionally used.  CURRENTLY UNDER REVISION FOR E-BOOK FORMATS

Acupressure and Herbs.  Book detailing the locations of acupressure points as well as many herbs.  CURRENTLY IN REVISION FOR E-BOOK FORMAT$27.00

E-mail us to place your order


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phone:  (562) 425-3168 (leave a message if we are out)    

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